Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fishing pelicans and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

Sunny is meeting furry friends all along the trail from Michigan to Texas and told us to hurry on and bring on Arizona. Yesterday, we drove along the waterfront in Fulton and Rockport, TX. We saw commercial fishermen bringing in their boats loaded with the day's catch and pelicans swimming and flying around them looking for leftovers. Today we went to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge where we saw a bejillion different birds and some alligators. One was a little guy but we were wary anyway because the little one had to come from a big one, right? The sign said "Alligators Bite." No kidding? We were fortunate to see a very rare Whooping Crane on the edge of a Salt Marsh. Just outside the Visitor Center at the Wildlife Refuge, a ton of ants have almost completely stripped all the leaves from a large tree/bush. The interesting thing to see is the tiny ants carrying the leaves that are at least ten times their size. This area is on the Gulf of Mexico and is full of interesting places to go and things to see. We have another week here so we will try to see as much of all this beauty as we can.

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