It has been great seeing my son, Jim, these last few days. We leave tomorrow so tonight we will have our last dinner with him this trip and then visit with some MOC friends, Don and Wendy Stockman, who live in Casper. A great ending to the Casper portion of this journey! We were planning on going to Montana to see Little Big Horn from here but weather forecasts are calling for wind, rain and snow so that is not the right combo to visit there. We will instead move to Sundance, WY in the morning. We will be there for a few days and maybe see Devil's Tower again and definitely go to Aladdin, WY, population 15, and have lunch at Cindy B's. We stopped there last spring and had a great home made meal and probably the best pie we have ever had in a restaurant. Sunshine had really enjoyed this time in Casper because she can once again sleep most of the day. It seems like, when we are traveling, she wills herself to stay awake so that she can help me drive. A real back seat driver!
ADDED: We had a great time at dinner with Jim and then we all met with Don and Wendy at the restaurant and had a wonderful time. Soon as we got home, we checked and the forecast for tomorrow is 20-30 mph winds and 50 mph gusts. That is not the weather to tow our "house" in so we will stay another night here in Casper and hopefully leave Thursday.
Well you have convinced us to take the southern route to the west coast. We were going to go north!!! Since we have limited time to make it out there... we will fly down I 10 and up I 5 to Washington. Safe travels..
And the same to you folks, Myrna. This weather does not look good for the near future around here.
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