Monday, May 21, 2007

May 20, 21 2007 Platte City, MO and Carlock, IL

Sunday we left Branson and made it to Platte City, MO. This is just north of Kansas City. As we were setting up, smoke poured out from the living room television and dvd player. We discovered a blown circuit breaker for the converter. After a while, it was reset and this time smoke and flame were seen through the air vent under the steps to the bedroom, leading to the furnace and converter. All breakers for that area were then thrown off and we spent the night without power. The battery worked for the slides and front jacks, luckily. This morning, we called Keystone, the manufacturer, and were asked if we could get it to Goshen. They wished to look at it and repair it at the factory. We are now in Carlock, IL on our way to Goshen. We will get it there tomorrow and they will "fit it in" sometime Thursday. They are booked until June so we were forutunate to get it in like we did. We did get to see a lot of our beautiful country on this trip but, starting with the semi sideswipe on the first day to the leaking washer/dryer connections, it has not been without trying moments. We are probably going to cut our trip short now and return home after the repairs. We hope to get back and finish this trip soon and then start another.

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