We thought we had seen our last waterfalls for a while but, happily, we were wrong. Rapid River Waterfalls are just about ten miles from our campground. A sign near the falls explains that limestone is the bedrock for this river and much of the Upper Peninsula, making for fast, shallow waterfalls. These falls ARE shallow and rapid. Oh, yes, and BEAUTIFUL!! In the fourth photo, there can be seen water falling from underneath the covering waterfall. It must be coming from cracks in the limestone just a few yards upstream from these falls. However it is done, it adds another dimension to this set of rapids. Of course, we have another Daisy for Carol. Then we have a dandelion, a WEED, that looks so delicate and nice as a puffball and then adds to the color when the seeds blow away and become yellow weeds. Thought you might like to see how BIG they grow birds and bugs around here. Big as a dumpster! We now have St. Ignace in our sights for tomorrow. We will probably be there for a couple of nights and then back to our home park in Davison Sunday afternoon.
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