Friday, September 18, 2009

Hartland, MI

We finally made it to Waldenwoods RV Park yesterday. Our air card has been out of service and the tech support says that it may take up to 8 days to correct. I keep trying to get on-line and finally did so hopefully it will be OK until I finish this post. We will be here until Monday, when we leave for Goshen and the MOC Rally. Sunday, two of our grandaughters, Brianna and Meagon, are coming out to the CG for the day. Others may too but we shall see. The weather has been clear and cool, and downright chilly at night. GREAT sleeping weather, though. Our grandson Devin played a football game last night but, after bringing the Montana to the CG and several trips back and forth between here and home, we finally got it loaded and crashed, sleeping through his game. Hate it when that happens!

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