Sunday, February 27, 2011

We moved to Sweetwater, TN

We discovered that the storm heading for the mountains is probably real so we moved to Sweetwater, TN today. We will winterize tomorrow here and then move on from further north Tuesday, when the weather is supposed to be better. This move placed us five hours or so closer to home. Since the storm will pass right over us, we will for sure know when it is done. Thanks again for all of the thoughts and prayers. Joe has another "stable" day. He is getting "antsy" to take a walk or do something other than lay in his bed. He is still hooked up and there were no PTs at the hospital today so maybe tomorrow, if he is still doing well.


Ron and Thelma said...

Still sending prayer's Hope he stays stable and you make it home safely. Drive with care

Jim and Carol said...

Thanks again so much, Ron and Thelma. It is really appreciated.