Sunday, February 21, 2010

San Antonio area and Sunny at Show n Tail

We took a trip to San Antonio and went by the Alamo. This historic site is surrounded by downtown San Antonio pushing in hard on the site. It was a beautiful day but with all the people and the closely abutting buildings, we decided to skip entering the site. We will see a made to scale reproduction of The Alamo when we travel to Bracketville this week. It is the site of the movie, The Alamo, and we will be happy to see it there. Sunny really likes the room she has in the rear seat of our new truck. She sleeps on her side with her back to the front and her feet at the back of the seat, worrying us that she will be dumped onto the floor if ever we have to stop quickly. Oh well, we'll just have to be careful. Anyone know what this large black and white animal this is? A beautiful rack and he shows it to us most evenings in this field. Sunny took us to another Greyhound Show n Tell at a San Antonio Petco. Once again, she met with a half dozen other Greys and they all had a great time. It may be a while before she will be able to attend another. Maybe in a couple of weeks in Tucson. This cactus garden is in front of the Pipe Creek, TX Post Office. We have seen cacti at the entrances to many of the ranches in this area. Most of them really look nice.
On Edit: Learned that the black animal may be a Gemsbok. Googled it and the face and antlers are so close. Rack seems slightly large to be a Gazelle. We have seen Gazelles around here, though - tan and brown ones.

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