Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rockport, TX early days at campground

After setting up amidst the gnarly Live Oaks, we found that we have had a lot of heavy fog. When we woke today it was bright, warm and sunny! The Live Oaks are all over this park and are beautiful. It is amazing how they bend and twist. We did a small amount of damage to the Montana backing into our site and striking one of these twisty fellers. It is up high in the rear and the mark will be taken out with rubbing wax. Sunny really likes this warm weather. She is content to stroll the park or just to sleep in the feesh, warm air. She has met many other new furry friends while here. Some friends of ours arrived yesterday and are now set up right next door to us. We are on a small hill overlooking a small lake/pond that is supposed to be home to three gators. When we take our night time walks, we will have to stay on the roadway, I guess. More friends are coming up from Mission, TX and should arrive soon. Looks like our "touristing" will be put off again for a few but life is good so there is no problem!

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